The US Fish & Wildlife Service is reporting a productive FY20 in Montana, with 37,000 acres of closed conservation easements and fee acquisitions valued at $17 million, including projects in places like the Little Valley Ranch (pictured) north of Avon on Highway 141.
Other projects highlighted by the USFWS in Montana include projects near Choteau, in the Blackfoot Valley, at Red Rocks National Wildlife Refuge, and the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge. Major ongoing USWFS projects in FY20 include work with The Trust for Public Land and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks on the Lost Trail Conservation Area proposal.
In addition to landowners, FWP and TPL, major partners and funding sources for the USFWS in FY20 include the North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Ducks Unlimited, The Nature Conservancy and The Conservation Fund.