Abby Rokosch, a Ducks Unlimited biologist working within a partnership position with the NRCS in the NRCS State Office in Bozeman, recently was named the recipient of the inaugural Ducks Unlimited Excellence in Conservation Award.
A social media post in late in July announced the award, and Bob Sanders, Manager of Montana DU Conservation Programs (below with Abby), and colleagues wrote “Abby, you’re an absolute rockstar in waterfowl conservation, and we are beyond proud of your efforts. A true conservationist!”
MALT extends its congratulations to Abby for the award, which will be presented annually. Abby has been an incredibly helpful presence to the Montana land trust community within the NRCS ALE Program, and every Montana land trust working in the ALE Program has benefited from Abby’s skills, insights, determination, perseverance, dedication, energy, and enthusiasm. CONGRATULATIONS, ABBY!