Land Trust News

Kelly Kountz Photo / Courtesy of Gallatin Valley Land Trust

Heart of the Rockies Meets May 15-16

The Heart of the Rockies Initiative membership will gather in Pinedale, WY, starting at 11:00 AM on May 15 at the Lakeside Lodge on Fremont Lake, with a full agenda that runs through the afternoon of May 16. Featured meeting agenda topics include the Wyoming Migration Initiative, Upper Green River Valley Collaboration, an afternoon field tour on May 15 showcasing Upper Green River Valley Collaboration wildlife migration efforts and projects. The May 16 agenda offers insights into the Heart of the Rockies Landscape Campaign, 2019 Landscape Challenge Grants, and more. For more information contact JoAnn Grant, HOTR Program Director, at 406-640-2816 or at [email protected].

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